The only true freedom for an individual is to have the opportunity to act independently … there is no such thing as an individual until a person can act by himself.

Maria Montessori

Who is the 12-14 Middle School Student?

  • They are pursuing academic interests while seeking ways to participate in real world settings in meaningful ways.
  • In a period of physical and neurological growth, they feel an increased desire for autonomy from adults while gaining solidarity with peers. 
  • They are concerted with human welfare, dignity and justice, are creative and courageous and are developing the ability to reason and debate. 
  • They look for ways to engage with each other and the community outside of the classroom with hands-on, experiential opportunities


What to Expect From Our Montessori Middle School Program

A strong focus is placed on developing appropriate study skills that include effective note-taking, test taking in a variety of formats, active listening, reading for meaning analysis, and learning to organize and manage time and information.

Middle School Curriculum

Download The Middle School Curriculum Guide