At every program level from Toddler through Middle School, our students are encouraged to explore, discover and take charge of their own learning.

The Village School Difference

We invite you to walk into one of our classrooms. Once there, you will hear the quiet hum of activity and see children actively engaged in work. Each of our environments is designed with specific, age-appropriate work that is designed to be inspiring and inviting for students.

Students are encouraged to move around the room and work in a way that is comfortable for themselves and respectful for those around them.

Learning emulates the real world as students learn to work and live together in the classroom environment.

Sharing Knowledge Across Levels

Each of the program levels is multi-age. This allows older children to work as mentors, solidifying their knowledge. It also provides younger children with the opportunity to learn from their peers. It also enables each child to be challenged in their areas of strength and supported when needed as age differences are blurred and skill levels are emphasized.

Teachers at The Village School meet each child where they are in their learning process and build a strong foundation for success. At each program level, the curriculum matches the academic, social and developmental needs of the children.

The Levels at The Village School

On the Toddler level we work on independence, gross and fine motor development, language and math concepts and social skills. The Primary program offers more complexity and choice. Math and language concepts are introduced using hands-on materials that encourage children to use all their senses. They can see a letter, sound it out, hold it in their hands, trace it and write it down. They are not simply memorizing the material; they are learning it and internalizing the concepts. In the Elementary years, children develop a deeper understanding of math, reading, writing, history, geography and cultural studies. They see themselves as part of the larger world, and start to ask big questions about it.

At The Village School, children are encouraged to think independently, do their research and draw their own conclusions. Public speaking and time management skills are integrated throughout the curriculum. At all levels, grace and courtesy is emphasized at every part of the day, and students are expected to resolve their conflicts respectfully and peacefully.

In the Middle School years, students explore their world in greater depth. Field trips and special programs like Model UN prepare these young adults for high school and the world beyond.


Discover Our Facilities

In addition to our brand new gymnasium, our students have access to a full auditorium, computer labs, music practice rooms and a beautiful new library resource room. We have a robust specials program that includes music, art, physical education, technology and Spanish. In addition, we have many extracurricular activities.

Happy, Curious, Excited Children

As parents, we all want our children to be happy, independent and curious. We want them to go off to school excited to learn and come out with an understanding of the world around them and their place in it. Each day we have the privilege of seeing your happy, curious and excited children.

Maria Montessori believed that education should be an extension of family life. The Village School provides that second home.

The Village School has a new director, but our mission and principles remain the same.

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